My feature in Shoutout Miami

Rachel Sicherman Shoutout MiamiBeing situated in sunny South Florida definitely has its perks, but being a Professional Organizer in South Florida certainly has its challenges. With all of the wonderful population growth over the past 10 years on this side of the Atlantic comes a flood of unsuitable “fish” in the sea. The demand for relators, downsizing, packing and unpacking services has grown immensely. Unfortunately this often plays a big part in new (and even long time) residents becoming more cluttered and incapable of finding peace and happiness in their home. 

So helping someone get organized and gain control of their life takes more than just a bright smile and big muscles! It takes honesty, empathy and experience. As a local small business-woman, I bring warmth, comfort and more agile capabilities than a larger (and often more afluent) business might be lacking. And when people take notice, it means you’re doing something right! So I am honored to have been featured in Shoutout Miami’s publication, as they help small businesses in local communities share their stories: 

 We think meaningful conversations are at the heart of community building.  We also think every voice matters and that these conversations shouldn’t be led by billionaires, media elites, or celebrities.  We feel it’s far more relevant to hear from the folks who make up the fabric of our communities – small business owners, mom-and-pops, and independent artists and creatives.

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