Organizational Products - Saving Money, Budgeting & Being Prepared

Organizational Products

No, it’s not always necessary to buy organizational products to get your space organized. While organizational products can be helpful, there are many ways to get organized without spending a lot of money on storage solutions.

So I’m first going to offer you some tips for organizing your space without buying organizational products.

How to avoid buying organizational products:

  1. Declutter: The less stuff you have, the easier it is to organize. Take a look at what you have and donate or sell anything you don’t need or use.

  2. Group like items together: Grouping similar items together makes it easier to find what you’re looking for and keeps your space looking neat and tidy.

  3. Use what you already have: Look around your home for items you can repurpose for storage, such as baskets, boxes, and jars.

  4. Use vertical space: Make use of wall space by installing shelves, hooks, and racks to store items vertically.

  5. Label everything: Labeling containers and drawers makes it easy to find what you’re looking for and helps you maintain your organization over time.

Remember, the goal of organization is to make your life easier and less stressful, so do what works best for you and your space.

Taking the plunge: You need to buy something darling!

Eventually, you will need to take the plunge and buy some products. So I’m going to help you create a budget for home organizing. This can help you plan your expenses and ensure that you have the necessary resources to achieve your organizational goals. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Assess your needs: Before you start budgeting, make a list of the areas in your home that need organizing. Identify what items you need to purchase, and what you can repurpose or recycle.

  2. Set a budget: Determine how much money you are willing to spend on organizing your home. Be realistic about your budget and set a reasonable amount that you can afford without causing financial strain.

  3. Prioritize expenses: Once you have a budget, prioritize the expenses based on what you need the most. For instance, you may need to spend more on storage containers for your kitchen than on organizing your linen closet.

  4. Look for deals: Shop around for deals on organizational products. Look for sales, discounts, or coupons to save money on your purchases.

  5. Consider DIY solutions: Sometimes, DIY solutions can be more cost-effective than buying new products. For instance, you can make your own storage containers or repurpose items you already have.

  6. Track your expenses: Keep track of all your expenses related to home organizing, including the cost of products, supplies, and any professional services. This will help you stay within your budget and make adjustments as needed.

By following these steps, you can create a budget that works for you and allows you to achieve your home organizing goals without breaking the bank.

What to expect – what’s out there?

When it comes time to start shopping for organizational products and solutions, there’s so many options out there. It’s important to be familiar with some general market trends and consumer behaviors. Here’s some of the top-selling organizational products in recent years:

  1. Storage containers and bins: Plastic storage containers and bins are always in high demand for organizing clothes, toys, and other household items.

  2. Closet organizers: Closet organizers such as hanging shelves, shoe racks, and storage systems have become increasingly popular as people seek to maximize their closet space.

  3. Desk organizers: With more people working from home, desk organizers such as trays, file holders, and cable management tools have become essential for keeping workspaces tidy and productive.

  4. Labels and label makers: Labels and label makers make it easy to categorize and identify items in storage containers, pantries, and other areas of the home.

  5. Drawer dividers: Drawer dividers are a simple but effective way to keep clothes, accessories, and other items neatly organized in drawers.

These are just a few examples of popular organizational products. Trends may vary depending on the specific needs and preferences of consumers.

Getting a custom tailored solution from a professional organizer:

By building a reputation with a trustworthy and reliable professional organizer, you are establishing a long-lasting relationships with someone who can make things easy! 

  • I expect you to want to save money: Most of my clients communicate that they clearly want to save money. As a hard working mother of 3, and as a savvy business woman, I respect that. I am already coming to the table with savings in mind!

  • I am paid to be a good listener: By actively listening to your needs and concerns, its easier for me to understand your goals and preferences. You can expect me to ask questions to help clarify your expectations and make sure and I are on the same page.

  • I’ve got the creds! I’ll provide you with some references from past clients who have done this. They can vouch for my work and professionalism. I understand that you need to feel confident in my abilities and trustworthiness before we set out to purchase on a budget.

  • Being transparent about the process: I always set clear expectations regarding timelines, pricing, and outcomes, and follow through on my promises.

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I deliver high-quality work and build relationships with my clients. I encourage clients to leave reviews or provide testimonials, and use social media and other platforms to showcase my work.

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